Flat Laptop Conspiracy

I'm writing this
while watching a bi-winged
translucent thing
crawl across
my glowing screen,
inching closer
to the edge of my laptop.

The light source
above my head, is local.
The bug knows it.
I know it.
Even my cats are privy
to the view.

I'm writing this poem
while pondering
a pressurized system
parked next to
the vacuum of infinite space,
with just a mouse
crouched between them.

Eating cheese
and crackers.

The god of your world
tricked you
  into believing
    time and space
gravity rainbows.
Note to self: never fall
for the color
of evil,
unless you are willing
to butcher the spirit of
while jerking off
to the sobriety of
a mega giga galaxy going
without ever knowing
