I wanted to write a love poem but...

I need a knife
to clean the scuzz
beneath my nails-  I use them
to claw at
the gross untruths
I see everyday-

rainbow flags in kindergarten
and hallways in DC

football fags
wearing 200 dollar jerseys
at the game
during primary election day

they complain
about Biden
and his cackling black hellcat
while voting hard R
down ballot
a second
to the political filth
they keep in office.

glitch McConnell
punch drunk Pelosi
and every other
trigger prick politician
ya'll keep voting for..

fingernail scuzz
builds up

I went to new york city
last week
to meet a girl
about a thing,
and was hoping to hear
good subway music

open guitar cases
filled with money

but instead I got
dick-fiddled by a trani
begging to blow me
for fentanyl
or a dime bag of crank

welcome to the new america

fucking scumbag
shiny beacon on the hill

freedom to fascism-
trading trust for the rust of the iron fist

this is how empires

wearing adult diapers
beneath a furry suit while shitting
in a communal sandbox
on CNN
