king broken

i'm not allowed to like u.
the others
who share space in my head
are dead set against it.
they want me to blow u
to smithereens,
never say hi
or goodbye again...
but i like u
and want to share more
than two crazy cats
and a map i bought off ebay.
i have a sweet side
that hides
like a diamond
buried deep in mine,
and a story of glorious
but they don't want me
to talk to u.
they allow angry poems
of resentment between
trachea and heart,
but for some reason
i can't write or talk to u
u are a threat to us
in our home head-
they want us both to shut up,
but i am dissident dildo-
front man of metal band
and liquid misbehavior.
i do not
and i hate
all those who do.
