Never Trust A Writer

Love is a minefield
and friendships
can be a cow pasture
filled with mushroom
nonsense and
psychotropic rainbows of
"feel good surprise".
I walk through both hoping to find
a reason to exist,
my desire for connection
is disconnected
and my ability to be alone
jumps every speedbump
and crash lands
in the providence of imperfection.
I'm drunk again
and cursing myself
for being a better poet
than a friend.
I have no boundaries
and no way of knowing
which words hurt
the worst.
Maybe it isn't the poetry,
but instead,
jealousy disguised as
a vanishing wave
across uncomfortable ocean,
while truth drowns
just a few miles off shore.
I mentioned mushrooms
earlier, and now
I can't stop thinking about
jittery combinations
of puzzled people trying to solve
themselves in a mirror
while playing flute.
Rest up, my friend.
What is there left to say?
I cannot fix the soreness
I created.
